Connnection Manager For Raw-IP QMI mPCIe Modems

Modem Connection Manager


We have created a management script to provide connection management and checking, see link below to Github repo

Connection Manager Github Repo

This utility provides the ability to start/stop the modem internet connection, including udhcp ip address assignment. The scripting also incorporates a feature to launch a connection monitoring process that will actively maintain a connection by performing end-to-end connection checks to validate the connection if up is still viable.


The process should be started from power up via the first-start option as this pauses for 2mins before starting the process to allow the SIM to survey the environment and register. If using SIMs which roam by default like Hologram, WhereverSIM etc need much longer on first powerup. This can customised by the variable STARTUP_DELAY in /etc/sim.conf and defaults to 2mins if not present.

A SIM PIN can be incorperated by adding SIMPIN variable to /etc/sim.conf

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