Raspbian Stretch OS QMI Network Script Bug Fix

Raspbian/Debian Stretch has a known bug with it's qmi-utils package, specifically the qmi-network script has an error in in.

This bug was reported and a fix shown here : https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=845979

The effect can be noted here :

error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (64)  start_network() raspbian qmi-network


To fix this we need to modify the file /usr/bin/qmi-network and modify the subroutine start_network and modify line 337 as shown below :

error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (64)  start_network()  fix raspbian qmi-network


Once this is in place you can then use the qmi-network command as expected

error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (64)  start_network()  fix raspbian qmi-network





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